The Five Behaviors® offers adaptive, research-validated testing that
gives participants precise and personalized results that deepen
their understanding of self and others.
Combined with Patrick Lencioni’s model of Trust, Conflict, Commitment, Accountability, and Results, both teams and individuals are able to transform culture and rise together. Each solution can be facilitated in a virtual or in-person classroom setting.
Unlock Your Organization’s Untapped Potential!
Personal Development
Helps individuals to better understand themselves and their team through the principles of The Five Behaviors.
Creates and scales a culture of teamwork and collaboration
no longevity or team involvement required
1 or more individuals
roll out to a unit or to the organization
available to anyone
Pair the assessment with a half-day facilitation so that results are applied immediately
Team Development
Helps participants better understand themselves, the personalities on their team, and how they can effectively work together.
Builds cohesiveness within intact teams
intact team
5 to 12 team members
designed for teams working together more than 6 weeks
Pair the assessment results with two half-days or a full-day facilitation to apply the results
Check progress in 3, 6 or 12 months by redeploying the assessment
Become a certified trainer in The Five Behaviors and feel confident delivering training directly related to the Personal and/or Team Development assessment. Then deliver it for individuals or teams within your organization!
Participant Takeaways
Become confident in the measurements and takeaways of the Five Behaviors
Provides strategies to diagnose the specific needs of a group and customize the learning experience for optimal results and lasting impact.
develop deeper knowledge and expertise in Patrick Lencioni’s model, the assessment, profile results, and strategies to navigate possible workshop or coaching session challenges.
Trainer Kit
Deliver training with impact for your organization! There is a trainer kit for the Personal Development Assessment and another trainer kit for the Team Development Assessment. Plus, you can fully customize the content.
Kit Includes
Account Set-Up So You Can Send Assessments!
Customizable and Reproducible Participant Materials.
Miscellaneous Handouts
Support Materials
The Facilitation.
Interactive, instructor-led training. Designed for virtual or physical classroom. Customizable to fit your team’s goals.
We recommend any larger scale training program start early-on with a behavioral or personality assessment
such as DiSC or Predictive Index, also available through Talent Authority.
The Assessment.
Research-validated personality assessment. Clear, approachable information.
The Profile.
Personalized content. Clear, approachable information
Comparison Reports.
Available complimentary for assessment takers.
Team Development.
Progress & Comparison Reports and Team surveys